Case Studies
GoVenture products are designed to be highly versatile and flexible. Educators and learners around the world use GoVenture in ways that best suit their individual needs. Review some of our stories below.

Higher exam scores. Better understanding of the value of accounting. Student success better than imagined.
Instructor Finds The Perfect "Goldilocks" Solution with GoVenture​
Peninsula College, Port Angeles, Washington
"I don’t think I’ve had a single student who didn’t get it since we started using GoVenture CEO ... I can’t imagine another learning experience that would be as good.”
Brenau University, Georgia USA
Coaching to reduce business-startup failure rates
Johnson C Smith University, Charlotte, North Carolina
Better business plans and real-world business results with GoVenture CEO
Johnson C Smith University, Charlotte, North Carolina
GoVenture Facilitates Student Learning
and University Accreditation
Pennsylvania Western University, California
GoVenture CEO
Research Study — GoVenture Fosters
Enterprise Potential In Youth
Yesmine Dhibi, Tunisia
Team-Based Business Training Over Zoom
Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1-Hour Student Competition Using a GoVenture Business Simulation
Thompson Rivers University, Canada
“GoVenture is so visual that you can understand it even without English-language skills.” Tarody says he can often predict how well a student will do with business modeling based on their success with the GoVenture simulations."
Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary
"What's really interesting is the change in conversations. You think it's a game, but it's not."
Ontario Schools, St. Lawrence College
Instructor Finds The Perfect "Goldilocks" Solution with GoVenture​
Peninsula College, Port Angeles, Washington
"Inmates develop employment skills using business simulations. “It’s easy to use – even for people who struggle with literacy skills, or whose learning styles vary from the norm.”
State Correctional Institute Camp Hill
“Adult learners enjoy GoVenture because it provides them with a whole new dimension of learning and experience. They can take risks without consequences and gain a better understanding of themselves and their abilities.”
Blue Water Community Business Development Corporation
“It’s a fun game, and a good way for students to get turned on. It’s a really good way for me to see the way they make decisions. And it also boosts their self-esteem, especially when they’re successful. It’s a wonderful fit with the rest of the course content. It ties the whole year together.”
Buchholz High School, Gainsville, Florida, USA
GoVenture Hooks High School Students
Chapel Hill High School, Douglasville, Georgia, USA
“The turnaround in student attitudes was almost instantaneous. Suddenly we were all debating the logic of business decisions, and it was the students who were driving the conversation with their questions.”
The Pathways Schools Young Entrepreneurship Program
“The students acquired true entrepreneurship strategies, enriched their math skills, and developed some real insight into public relations and marketing.”
E. Lawson Brown Middle School, Thomasville, NC, USA
"Simulations lend themselves to open-ended,
critical-thinking questions."
Summer-Elective Enrichment Program on Entrepreneurship
“It was pretty realistic in terms of pricing and how businesses work and I learned a lot of new things about owning a small business.”
Mielziner Middle School, PA, USA
“Part of running a business is developing the wisdom to make good decisions.”
North Shore Community College, MA, USA
“So what does [playing a business simulation] have to do with journalism? Everything.”
Kelly Toughill, University of King's College, Halifax, Canada
“We get students to create their own financial statements using the transactional accounting they generated in the simulation.”
North Central College, Naperville, Illinois
Higher exam scores. Better understanding of the value of accounting. Student success better than imagined.
"Students like the graphic approach to the topics, and they like the games."
Salem School, Connecticut, USA
GoVenture HEALTH
Instructor Feedback
Student ratings in this course were the highest I have ever gotten.
GoVenture is extremely popular with students.
Video games in Academia can change lives!
My class LOVES GoVenture CEO. It's all they talk about!
Holy **** this thing is amazing. Wow. I'm sure you guys hear this all the time.
Students learned how to build financial statements and what leads to growth.
I LOVE this Digital Marketing module! I teach it and have struggled with just the issues you identify.
The business simulations have brought an awesome new perspective and element to my class.
While there are other games that deal with entrepreneurship, GoVenture is very rich and deep.
I appreciate how the simulation is scaffolded so students can learn in a simple simulation and then increase the complexity by adding more functions
This is an amazing resource. My students were engaged and learning.
GoVenture is an integral part of our curriculum.
I felt powerful and very productive after these assignments. This exercise helped me stretch my thinking and decision-making.
I did not feel as much stress and gained more confidence in what I was doing. Being able to fail and learn from failures without having my ego judged was a huge confidence booster.
It is an amazing tool for business learning purposes, developing different skills to get bolder and think differently through the game and in real life.
I love that you can make different decisions and see what the outcome may be.
I feel that it is the perfect opportunity to take chances, test a theory, or just live on the edge, with nothing to lose and everything to gain.
It was a fun experience and I would like to do it again in another class.
It is an amazing tool for business learning purposes, developing different skills to get bolder and think differently through the game and in real life.
I discovered that I have no business running a business, haha. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and research.
The GoVenture Simulation was a very unique experience, unlike anything I've done for school so far!
This was a really interesting, eye-opening experience and I'm very curious to see how the knowledge I've gained can be applied to my future career goals.
Gave me more appreciation for a lot of business owners who are working to keep themselves afloat right now.
My class that includes GoVenture is the one that I am most excited to attend.
I'm excited to see my progress in the simulation, and I'm not that engaged in any of my other classes.
I learned how to think as a CEO.
It wasn't like learning from a textbook. We actually got to implement what we were learning. So that was really cool.
At first I didn't know anybody in my group and we didn't talk much to each other until the actual simulation had begun. As we progressed, we opened up to each other and had fun strategizing.
I would totally go through and play it again and I'm not even in the class anymore.